Tomato is well known for its nutritional benefits and rich in umami components. This versatile fruit combines beautifully with miso that multiplies the savory flavor of dishes.
Tomato 400g (4ea of medium size tomato or 1ea canned tomato)
Garlic 2 cloves
Miso 60g (soybean miso 10g + rice miso 50g)
White wine 2 tbsp
Olive oil 2tbsp
Fresh tomato : Refreshing taste as it contains more water
Canned tomato : Rather intense flavor
How to make
Cut the tomato into 1.5cm(1/2 inch), and chop the garlic.
Heat oil in a pan and saute garlic.
Add the tomato and white wine, cook on medium heat until the alcohol evaporates.
Add miso until it fully melted and simmer lightly to complete!
Recommend dishes
Chicken steak
Dressing (add vinegar)
Dips (add mayo)
Toast and Pizza (add extra cheese)